PPC Management

If you need PPC management, we can work with you to develop a PPC campaign or take over your existing PPC campaigns on Google, BING, and Yahoo.

If you are interested in setting up a PPC campaign management account or would like Icequia to optimize your PPC campaign please contact us.

PPC Consulting

We can help your in-house marketing team make your campaigns more successful. Our pay-per-click consultants can help you get more from your advertising spend. A fresh look from outside experts always reveals new information to unlock missed opportunities & increase ROI.


Keyword Research

Keyword research isn’t only about finding keywords to get visitors to your website, but about finding the right keywords to attract the right visitors. Keyword research will help you predict shifts in demand, react to changing market conditions, and focus on the products, services and content in which web searchers are already seeking out.

There are five fundamental components of effective keyword research:

  • Understanding Keyword Relevance
  • Keyword Match Types
  • Keyword Mining with Search Query Reports
  • Negative Keywords
  • Building out Keyword Lists

Tracking & Conversions

We understand how important tracking conversions is to the overall success of your PPC marketing efforts. Conversion tracking is a major component of proper PPC management. Conversion tracking is a free AdWords feature that informs you when someone completes an action that is set up as a conversion. You can see when someone completes a purchase, signs up for your newsletter, fills out a form to get more information or takes some other desired action on your site.

To make sure your campaigns are giving you the ROI you expect, We work on the main components of Tracking & Conversions:

  • AdWords Conversion Tracking
  • Types of Conversions
  • Conversion Attributes
  • Google Analytics
  • Alternative Analytics Tracking
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